August, 2001   Wesley News of the Strongsville United Methodist Church



Summer Worship Schedule

Our summer worship schedule will begin on Sunday, June 3rd when our Sunday morning services will be at 8:15 am and 9:30 am.  This schedule will be in effect for the months of June, July, and August. Remember that “On THE WAY” (our Contemporary Worship Service) will be every Saturday at 5:00 pm throughout the summer.



Parent Involvement Needed in Sunday School Program

The Education Work Area has two important updates to share with you at this time.


As fall quickly approaches, we’re sure you would like to see the Sunday School program continue to provide excellent Christian education to your children.  To make the upcoming year a success, parents need to return intention cards communicating your plans for participation in the fall quarter.


Also, sign up sheets must be complete to create the essential needs for each Sunday School room.

Please remember – at least two adults are needed per room, including the nursery.


Safe Sanctuaries

Also, for those who attended a Safe Sanctuary workshop but haven’t turned in your  application, please do so ASAP. If you haven’t attended a Safe Sanctuary workshop, you have the final two opportunities during the month of August.  Check the church bulletin for the exact dates and times.


Remember parents, we need your involvement to make this work…isn’t your child’s Sunday School opportunities and safety worth your participation?!?!


Logos Gets Set For Fall Session


Logos will be starting on August 30, and will take place every Thursday night until November 15 from 5:30 to 8:30 pm.  Here is the latest information.



If you have not already registered your child for Logos, registration will be held in the Atrium after services on August 5 and August 12.  You can also pick up a registration form in the office, and drop it off there when completed.  If you have any questions or special needs, please call Deb Oblisk at 846-2648 or Tracy McCort at 846-9410


Safe Sanctuary

Like all programs in the Church that include children, the Safe Sanctuary program will start this year.  All teachers and area coordinators and regular nursery help must have level 2 clearance.  This basically includes coming to a safe sanctuaries meeting and filling out paperwork that provides references and important information.  Table parents, area helpers, and teacher helpers need a level 1 clearance.  This means coming to a safe sanctuaries meeting and filling out a simple form.  All parent helpers should have at least a level 1 clearance.  For your convenience, safe sanctuaries meetings will be scheduled in late August.


Parent Meeting

An essential part of the Logos program is the parent meeting.  This is where we review the importance of the Logos program, let you know about changes, give you information for the current year, and renew our commitment to Logos. This year we have LOTS of new things to talk about, including safe sanctuaries, new additions to the discipline policy, and new curriculum, to mention a few!  We are offering two options for the parent meeting.  One is Sunday, August 19 in Tiber Hall after the 9:30 service, and the other is Thursday, August 23 at 6:30 pm.  You only need to attend ONE.  There will be babysitting available for both meetings.


Positions Available

We still have several positions that need to be filled.  You don’t need to have a child in the Logos program.  Logos is an intergenerational program.  We have from young singles to senior citizens teaching and helping in many ways.  Please prayerfully consider one of the following:


Table Parent

Playtime Coordinator


Prayer Team Coordinator

Prayer Team members

For more information, please contact Tracy McCort at 846-9410, or Deb Oblisk at 846-2648.



Sunday, August 5—Registration

Sunday, August 12—Registration

Sunday, August 19—Parent Meeting after 9:30 service

Thursday, August 23—Parent Meeting (2nd chance) 6:30 pm à Safe sanctuaries meeting after parent meeting.

Thursday, August 30—Logos starts at 5:30 pm



On The Way


Special Outside Service


September 1, 2001

5:00 pm

Invite your friends and neighbors to join us!

Watch for location in the bulletin!

You won’t want to miss this!

From the Pastor's study

“The Waves and the Music”                        

“If you continue in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.” John 8:31b-32


Reflections from vacation:


One day at the beach, I decided to put on the earphones of my radio. I sat on the shore tuning in to a pleasurable radio station. Beautiful music came to me in stereophonic sound. My world was engulfed by that which was pleasant and relaxing. I found peace through the music that invaded my senses.


Yet the earphones could not completely block out the noise around me. They waves continued to roll onto the shore. Sometimes the waves were synchronized to the music. Other times, they overpowered the tunes from the radio. At still other times, the waves worked against the smooth melody line or bombarded well-set harmony.


God, using words of faith, wants to supply beautiful music for our lives. Through the Good News, God shares the beautiful music of life; music that speaks of forgiving love, everlasting life, deep truth, abiding peace. God speaks to us with promises of grace, strength, and comfort.


Sometimes we have trouble hearing the beautiful music because the waves of the world overpower it, or work against it, or bombard its harmony. The promises of God are lost in the noise around us.


Even though we do not hear the music, the beautiful words of life from God are there for us to hear. Sometimes they are muffled, distorted, distinct, or powerful.


Hymn writer, Philip Bliss, reminds us:


Christ, the blessed one, gives to all, wonderful words of life;

Sinner, list to the loving call, wonderful words of life.

All so freely given, wooing us to heaven;

Beautiful words, wonderful words, wonderful words of life.


When the waves of conflict or pain, discouragement or desire, achievement or power roll across us, let us be reminded that, as we continue in the word of God, we know the truth. And the truth, indeed, makes us free.


O Lord, help us to stay attuned to your word within our lives. Amen.



Rev. Ron Mowry



From Pastor Paula’s desk

I John 4:16 -- And so we know and rely on the love God has for us.  God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him.

As I was sitting at the table eating my breakfast of Grape Nut Oh’s, it suddenly struck me how many of the things around me every day are circular in shape.  My cereal, the fruit bowl on the counter, the burners on the stove, the pots of many of my flowers, a donut, a hula hoop, and my wedding band. So many of the things around us are round.

As I pondered this shape, I realized that something round has no beginning and no end.  It is continual in nature.  Many of the things created by the hands of people and the hands of God are round with no beginning and no end. It is the same with the love of God.  You see, God’s love for us has no beginning and no end. God's love for us is continuous. It is available to all of us no matter what sins we have committed, what concerns we may have, how bad we may think we are. Reach out to God and accept his love for you!

Every time you see something round, let it remind you of God’s unending love for you!


Circled in His love,

Pastor Paula





The theme for this year’s Stewardship campaign is “Our Three Gifts.” The Stewardship Committee is already hard at work putting together the materials for this campaign. Soon you will be hearing about our Gold Sunday, Frankincense Sunday, & Myrrh Sunday. Watch for details in next month’s Wesley News.



Join Bishop Keaton on a Mission Bus Tour!

From Friday, October 19th - Sunday, October 21st, Bishop Jonathan Keaton will be leading a bus tour of the East Ohio Conference to experience first hand the mission work of the Conference. One bus will head to the Cleveland area and the other to the Steubenville area. The trip begins and ends in Wooster. The cost is $150 and includes transportation, accommodations, and meals. The tour is limited to the first 94 people who register. The registration deadline is September 14th See Bev. in the church office for a registration form.


The Book Discussion Group continues to meet throughout the summer months. The next meeting will be Wednesday, August 15th at 12:30pm in the parlor.  We will be talking about “The Amethyst Heart” by Penelope Stokes. All are invited to join the group for a time of interesting conversation and fellowship.


Noah’s Ark Outdoor Drama

The Hillside Baptist Church in Pomeroy, Ohio presents the 4th Annual Noah’s Ark Outdoor Drama from August 13th - 17th at 7:00pm at the church located at 39211 State Route 143 in Pomeroy. This free performance shows the work of the Lord through Noah and his family. Come expecting to have a good time!! All are welcome. For more information call 740/992-6768 or e-mail:


A Note of Thanks from Willow Hill UMC in East Peoria, IL...

I wanted to thank you, your church, and all the wonderful craft people who gave us the items from your VBS this year. We are so excited to put up the snow flakes & use the poles. You have wonderful ideas that can help us finish building our VBS. Thank you again. This is the work of our Lord with all of us working together.

               Kari Moses


Friday Fellowship

Friday Fellowship has received a letter from Rev. Roberta Fuller, whom we have supported in her study for the ministry. She has been appointed as Pastor at Olivesburg United Methodist Church, which is located south of Ashland. It is a wonderful little country church, over 120 years old, with a cemetery out back.  Amish folk clip-clop past every day.

We are happy to have been a part of her life in this exciting time.


August Birthdays

2       Jean Cornean, 84 years

10     Elizabeth Karman, 89 years

12     Isabelle Bruggers

13     Marie Stands

14     Churck Staley & Donald Schultz

19     Norma Myers

27     June Pascual, 88 years

28     Mildred Delau

29     Vi Chaff, 85 years

31     Alice Waltz



2       Russ & Ginny McKee, 58 years

19     John & Ruby Gormsen, 51 years

31     Walter & Darlene Wilson, 55 years


Thought  for the Day

The King James version of the Bible contains 3,566,488 letters, 773,693 words, 31,102 verses, 1189 chapters, and 66 books!  The Bible is God’s gift to us.

Rustad Library

Thank you Friday Fellowship for generously donating a memorial book in the name of Evelyn Coleman.  The Sacred Romance by Curtis and Eldredge can be found on the New Books shelf in the library.


Biblical Quotations for All Occasions has been donated to the library in memory of Ray Matty.  It, too, can be found on the New Books shelf.

Remember that there are some new reference books in the library!



United Methodist Women

Coming Event – Save the Date!

“Journey to Joy”

Guest Speaker:  Robin Svoboda

Monday, September 24, 2001

7:00 pm

Strongsville United Methodist Church Sanctuary

Donation:  $5.00

Dessert & Coffee Following



It’s time to sign up for Confirmation Class
Calling all students of the congregation who will be in the sixth grade (or older, if not yet confirmed): You are invited to be part of the 2001-2002 Confirmation Class which  begins this fall. Confirmation is a time to grow in your relationship with Jesus, learn about the church and its history, and have the opportunity to become full members of the Strongsville United Methodist Church!  If you are interested or need more information, please contact Pastor Paula (who will be teaching the class this year) or the church office (238-6135) NO LATER THAN AUGUST 25th!



Stephen Ministry

Two weeks’ notice. . .

For years you were the wage earner.

Now each morning is the same.

It’s harder to get out of bed, tie your tie, shine your shoes.

Coffee…scan the want ads…make a few phone calls…the search goes on.

While you look, you need someone to listen.  A Stephen Minister can be that person.

If you would like to know more about how a Stephen Minister might help you or someone you are concerned about, please talk it over with one of the pastors or with one of the Stephen leaders:  Jim Boyer (572-4976), Karen or Mark Milia (572-0602), Hildi Fitzpatrick (572-5004), or Bev. Wells (572-1415). All inquiries and caring relationships are strictly confidential.



Crossroads Ringers

It’s that time again!  Rehearsals for the Crossroads Ringers begin on Wednesday, August 29 at 6:30 pm.  We are always looking for ringers willing to substitute during the year. If you are interested in substituting or ringing please contact Jennifer Dettmer at 440-887-3993.


Notes from the Nurses

Hope to see you at our monthly blood pressure checks after each service on Sunday, August 26!



Volunteer opportunity

Have you ever considered volunteering at the City Mission?  A Volunteer Introductory Session will be held on Saturday, August 11 at 10 am.  If you would like more information about joining the Mission’s volunteer team, contact Craig Vincent at 216-431-3510.

You can also find more information about the City Mission on their website at



Joys & Concerns



Congratulations to a member of our congregation, Jennifer Hartwick, who was united in marriage to Jamie Fleming  by Pastor Paula on July 14;

Congratulations also to the following couples who were united in marriage by Pastor Paula in our sanctuary: Terri Jo Akers & Robert Paulin, who were married on July 14; Jennifer Perko & Mark Wardell, who were married on July 14; and  Adria Redmon & Randy Dudinsky, who were married on July 21.



Congratulations to Brian & Susan Graziano on the birth of Salvatore John Graziano on June 28;

to Chris & Chrisi Greenwalt on the birth of Emmeline Grace Greenwalt on June 28.  Proud grandparents are Ken & Suellen Greenwalt;

and to Bill & Chrissy Stuart on the birth of Katelyn Elizabeth Stuart on July 9.  Proud grandparents are Len & Bev Bogacki, and proud great-grandmother is Isabel Dublo.



Two members of our congregation entered the church triumphant during the past month.  Donald Wolfcale passed away on June 22.  Our sympathy and prayers are extended to Ruthe Wolfcale and family.

Stafford Wilford passed away on July 12. Our sympathy and prayers are extended to his wife Janet and family.

The prayers and sympathy of the congregation are extended also to Dan & Maria LaRocco and family upon the death of Maria’s aunt, Dorothy Davis; to Bill & Kathy Turner and family upon the death of Kathy’s father, Ray Matty on May 24; and  to Ron & Cris Shreve and family upon the death of Cris’ father, Odon Madaleno, on June 17.


From Our Church’s Mailbox


Dear Rev. Ron,

Thank you for choosing me as one of the Chapman Scholarship recipients.  I appreciate it, and that will help out starting me in the right direction to reach my goals.  I am glad I grew up in this church and it was a wonderful experience.

Andy Lash




Dear Congregation,

Thank you, thank you!  Thanks to Rev. Paula and Rev. Ron and the rest of my church family for your prayers, visits, cards, flowers and food.

In Christian Love,

Marilyn Verbsky




To the SUMC Committee on Education:

On behalf of the Sharon Center United Methodist Church congregation and especially the children of the church, I would like to thank you for your donation over the past year of Sunday School curriculum and Vacation Bible School supplies. Your generosity and thoughtfulness is greatly appreciated and will be remembered for years to come, especially by the children that reap the rewards of your giving nature.

In particular the Sharon Center UMC’s Christian Education Committee would also like to thank you for helping supply materials to provide the children with a complete and rewarding Christian education.

We thank you and look forward to working with you in the future toward our mutual commitment to the Christian education of children.

Yours truly,

Sandy Papp


Dear Friends and Partners in HABITAT,

We are very grateful for your support of this ministry with your generous gift of $200 on June 26, 2001.

It’s no secret that poverty housing is detrimental to physical, mental and spiritual well-being. As Habitat builds we seek to minister to families on various levels. What may surprise you is that Habitat affects those who don’t need a house just as much as those who do. In working with others to change the “outside,” something happens on the “inside” as well.

You are one of the important reasons Habitat works.  We need you and appreciate your support.


Stephen A. Frye

Executive Director, Greater Cleveland Habitat for Humanity

When you thought I wasn’t looking

(by a child)

When you thought I wasn’t looking, I saw you hang my first painting on the refrigerator, and I immediately wanted to paint another one.

When you thought I wasn’t looking, I saw you feed a stray cat, and I learned that it was good to be kind to animals.

When you thought I wasn’t looking, I saw you make my favorite cake for me and I learned that the little things can be the special things in life.

When you thought I wasn’t looking,  I heard you say a prayer, and I knew there is a God I could always talk to and I learned to trust in God.

When you thought I wasn’t looking,  I saw you make a meal and take it to a friend who was sick, and I learned that we all have to help take care of each other.

When you thought I wasn’t looking,  I saw you give of your time and money to help people who had nothing and I learned that those who have something should give to those who don’t.

When you thought I wasn’t looking,  I felt you kiss me goodnight and I felt loved and safe.

When you thought I wasn’t looking,  I saw you take care of our house and everyone in it and I learned we have to take care of what we are given.

When you thought I wasn’t looking,  I saw how you handled your responsibilities, even when you didn’t feel good and I learned that I would have to be responsible when I grow up.

When you thought I wasn’t looking,  I saw tears come from your eyes and I learned that sometimes things hurt, but it’s all right to cry.

When you thought I wasn’t looking,  I saw that you cared and I wanted to be everything that I could be.

When you thought I wasn’t looking,  I learned most of life’s lessons that I need to know to be a good and productive person when I grow up.

When you thought I wasn’t looking,  I looked at you and wanted to say, “Thanks for all the things I saw when you thought I wasn’t looking.”

(Reprinted from the NEOEA newsletter)






Souled Out


Something to Think About

by Greg


“Woe is me! I am undone because I am a man of unclean lips,

and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips; for my eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts.” Isaiah 6:5


I think sometimes when God decides it’s time to really get us serious about this ministry deal, he reveals himself to us. Sometimes he does this in a very subtle manner, sometimes in a whirlwind of fireworks. We live in a society that thinks that the greatest form of holiness is to become “at one” with the universe through warped forms of meditation. We look for answers in tarot cards instead of the pages of the Bible. We believe that our future can be read by the lines in the palms of our hands, instead of the holes in the palms of his hands. We are listening to music, and allowing our children to listen to music that talks about murder, drugs, sex (in very vivid and disgusting detail), and lyrics that glorify the most grotesque acts of violence, such as raping a minor then mutilating her body (the rapper who sings these lyrics is one of the most popular in the country right now among youth).


Do you realize why Isaiah said, “Woe is me! I am undone...?” In every sense of the word, he realized just how filthy he was. Seeing God face to face tends to do that to a person. In fact, look through the Bible sometime, and see just how often God shows his face to humans. I’ll save you the time; it just doesn’t happen. Why? Because it’s too much for us in our current state of sin. But sometimes God allows us to stand in the cleft of a rock and watch him walk by us. That’s when the convictions start to roll. That’s when we see how filthy we are. But that’s also when we realize that it just might be time to make a few changes, starting in our own lives. Maybe we should stop listening to some of the garbage that seems to be so popular on the radio. Maybe we should be a little more selective with our movie selections, or television shows, or even some of the commercials. Maybe we should stop compromising so much, get rid of our own will, and be filled with God’s.



The Youth Bulletin Board is located in the atrium and has lots of information about who, what, where, when and why!!

Youth Group is open to ALL youth in grades 7-12 (you can invite your friends)!!

RSVP dates are important (sometimes we really do need to know how many people to plan for)!!


You are a Child of God!


August Calendar


Thursday, August 2nd

Youth Bible Study @ 7:00 in the parlor

Sunday, August 5th

Souled Out

6:30 - 8:00pm in Tiber Hall


Thursday, August 9th

Youth Bible Study @ 7:00 in the parlor


Sunday, August 12th

Souled Out

6:30 - 8:00pm in Tiber Hall


Sunday, August 19th

Souled Out

6:30 - 8:00pm in Tiber Hall


Sunday, August 26th

Souled Out

6:30 - 8:00pm in Tiber Hall




From August 11th - 18th, Greg and three of our youth, Rebecca Spitzig, Alison Zamrzla, and Devon diLauro, will be attending the Leadership Quest Camp in Northern Minnesota. Please keep this group in prayer as they travel and work to build and use new skills in service to God.



Leadership Quest Campaign

Put it on your calendar!!


5th Quarter Dance - Friday, Sept. 14th

After the football game till ???


More info in next month’s

Wesley News



Youth Ministry Mission Statement

Our mission is to equip youth with a solid foundation in Jesus Christ, with excitement for spiritual growth, that they may be alive in their faith and make a difference for Christ in the world.




The Wesley News is published monthly by the Strongsville United Methodist Church. Deadline for articles is the 15th of every month for the following month’s newsletter. Articles can be mailed or dropped off in the church office or e-mailed to either or

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